At the Humankind Foundation, we are working to help broaden the discussion about what shapes health, and set a new standard of health, equity and well-being for all communities.

Syria Overview

From Syrian independence to the current Hafez al-Assad’s regime, the people of Syria has suffered during the days and crushed with political and international intervene which caused the sever threat to the people of Syria.

It’s the seventh year to the violent conflict and the blood shed in Syria have taken death toll of more than 400,000 Syrians and the Syrian economy. More than 6.1 million people, including 2.5 million children, are internally displaced and 5.6 million are officially registered as refugees.

Major Challenges of Syria

Despite of the political and criminal assaults, the entire social, economic and international relationships have impacted on a large scale on a continuous basis. This affects the sustained access to education, health care, housing, and food within the country. The war has pushed millions of people into chaos as being unemployed and helpless.

  •   Education for Millions of Syrian Children in Crisis.
  •   Even years of war in Syria has put one in three schools out of use.
  •   Nearly 5 million Syrian children accessing education despite over seven years of war on children.
  •   The seven-year long conflict has caused 2.8 million children to miss out on their education.
  •   Over half of the Syrian population has been displaced. One in four schools has been damaged, destroyed or are being used as temporary shelters.
  •   Civil war is pushing more and more people into hunger and misery.
  •   6.5 million people are food insecure.
  •   4 million people are at risk of becoming food insecure.
  •   Eastern Ghouta have led to Severe shortages of food, fuel and drinking water for its 400,000 inhabitants.
  •   One in three people is unable to meet their basic food needs because they live under the poverty line.
  •   Food production has decreased by 50 percent.
  •   More than 11 million Syrians have fled their homes seeking refuge.