If we're destroying our trees and destroying our environment and hurting animals and hurting one another and all that stuff, there's got to be a very powerful energy to fight that. I think we need more love in the world. We need more kindness, more compassion, more joy, more laughter. I definitely want to contribute to that.

- Ellen DeGeneres -


2.3 T TONS



400 M TONS



2.4 M



2.2 BN


Environment Strategies

Humankind believes in conceptual analysis of the environment in understanding the world’s problems and developing their solutions.
As a respected environmental voice, we have focused our work to addressing pollution, global warming and deforestation etc.

Air Pollution

We have a cause to highlight the air pollution is one of major threats to our planet. Reducing air pollutions is not easy to imagine but every single human can make a difference. We promote ideas from which we can improve the air quality in our surroundings and community to help breathe a little easier.

  •  Developing understanding from where air pollution comes from.
  •  Encouraging plantation.
  •  Highlighting the effectiveness of Solar and Wind energy solutions.
  •  Enforcing to reduce the waste productions.

Water Pollution

We help disabled people who are undergoing any physical, emotional or mental crisis and their families through empowering them to get help with the art as a way of expressing, as well as women from urban areas to help their livelihood with embracing arts & craft programmes.

  •  Encourage disabled ones toward self-awareness.
  •  Empower them with drawing and painting skills.
  •  Helping them in developing interpersonal skills.
  •  Provide learning platforms of contemporary craft & ceramics.

Global Warming

Dealing with the single biggest threat to our planet is global warming. We speak up loudly to let people know what is coming next to us and to our generations. By voicing our concerns, we make sure that people are making decisions to save earth. We acknowledge the world that we must care about the warming world.

  •  Trying to make an impact towards saving planet Earth.
  •  Educating people to avoid utilizing toxics and harmful chemicals.
  •  Encouraging Solar and Wind energy utilization as alternate resources.
  •  Spreading awareness to reduce Carbon emission.


We are taking pain of extensive deforestation, thus effectively addressing and highlighting the global warming. We conduct awareness programs to emphasis on reducing the amount of heat emissions that we are putting into the atmosphere. We spread out technology and practical solutions to reduce Carbon Footprint.

  •  Emphasising on expanding the use of renewable energy.
  •  Conduct seminars on the need of transformation of our energy system.
  •  Rising voices to reduce tropical deforestation.
  •  Encourage people to live without hurting environment.

Effect on Marine Life

We take pride in struggling saving our oceans, the largest ecosystem on earth. Oceans provide at least a sixth of the animal protein that we consume so, we must come forward and save our oceans and the marine life by taking serious steps that include conducting seminars and choosing sustainable seafood.

  •  Campaigning to use fewer plastic products.
  •  Encouraging people to takecare of the beaches.
  •  Educating about properly dispose of hazardous materials.
  •  Spread public awareness to buy Ocean-friendly products.

Increased Carbon Footprint

We are in a terrible situation where increased carbon footprints are gulping Ozone layer. We have begun talking about this disaster symptoms and have started motivating the public to put in appropriate plans to get reduce it. We are taking long term plans to move forward our mission effectively.

  •  Spreading awareness about utilizing bicycles instead of fuel driven vehicles.
  •  Encourage people to keep up on regular equipment maintenance.
  •  Conduct seminars on transferring fuelled energy to the natural one.
  •  Encouraging plantation.