There is no life to be found in violence. Every act of violence brings us closer to death. Whether it's the mundane violence we do to our bodies by overeating toxic food or drink or the extreme violence of child abuse, domestic warfare, life-threatening poverty, addiction, or state terrorism.

- Bell Hooks -


815 M

People Suffer Hunger in 2016


1.1 bn

People Lack Access to Water



Countries Face Food Insecurity



UK Children Go to School Hungry

Food Strategies

Our aim is to feed every human being before going to their beds. We help people providing them healthy food.
We conduct monthly food, housing grocery, and water distribution programs as well as awareness programs.

Monthly Food Distribution

Humankind is proud of pleasing people by our monthly food distribution program. At this distribution, we offer a wide variety of fresh food including non-perishable items, frozen or refrigerated items, dairy items, and cooked foods. We take the food insecurity as a challenge and make this distribution happen.

  •  Ensure the consistent supply of adequate food items.
  •  The Wellness Pantry is geared toward low-income individuals.
  •  We create equitable and inclusive communities.
  •  Helping poor to have access to minimal nutrients they need.

Water Aid

We are serving people around the world, getting them access to clean water, empowering them to fight against germs and serious diseases. Our mission is to keep children from diarrhea which kills almost 800 children a day. Lack of clean and fresh water brings trouble to children, adults and the old ones altogether.

  •  Keeps people hydrated which elevates the energy levels.
  •  Letting children to stay healthy and decrease attention deficits.
  •  Make a consistent supply of clean water to improve the quality of life.
  •  Ensure the adequate sanitation facilities.

Monthly Household Grocery

We are dedicated to providing the monthly household grocery to those families who do not stretch far enough for their basic needs of food. Our onsite pantries are available for the low-income or the needy ones, which make a real difference for them to feed them and their families with fresh and nutritious food items.

  •  Provide grocery packs which include all essential nutritious food items.
  •  Deliver fresh and hygienic food items meeting quality standards.
  •  The on-site delivery mechanism that ensures everyone gets their pack.
  •  Perishable, non-perishable food, and food hazard at one place.

Awareness Programmes

Humankind conducts food awareness programs with the help of local authorities to let people know which type of food they need to take. We give them advise preventing food poisoning and contaminating. We encourage them to create a safe and clean environment while handling the food items.

  •  Teach them the techniques of preserving food items.
  •  Train them how to become safe food handlers.
  •  Enabling them to differentiate the healthy and non-healthy food.
  •  Techniques for preparing food without losing nutrients.